Monday 25 January 2016

Mastering Manifestations

Manifestations that align our desires with our own individual Soul's purpose manifest quite easily. Likewise, manifestations that are in alignment with our own, individual Ego, face many obstacles and stumbling blocks along the way. If we keep hitting a brick wall, we may want to turn around and take another path. Manifestation works best when we manifest selflessly, for the greater good; correct alignment of our will brings more energy/light to ourselves and others. Thought Elevators Review

Basically, Haanel writes that what we dream about, we can make in the world. We all have within us more potential than what we give ourselves credit for. For one reason or another, we sometimes think that we cannot do something. "I'm not good at math." "I'll never get that promotion because I don't know how to do what my boss does." "She's too good for me." Whatever. When we overcome those shibboleths and begin to instead strive for our goals, then we become somewhat like an Edison, who with barely a grammar school education proceeded to change the world with his inventions and discoveries, the light bulb being but one of the many hundreds of inventions that came from his mind.

Work is involved, though. Edison, even though he visualized and planned and believed that he could do it, did not await the Universe to answer his beck and call for a light bulb. Hell, no! He performed over 12,000 (that's twelve thousand!) experiments until he hit upon the one that worked. He "manifested" what was in his mind; but that "manifestation" only came about because of his actions. It wasn't a "gift" from the Universe; it was a reward for his years of toil. He earned it.

(Just so you know, the whole concept of the Universe giving "gifts" is a pretty dumb one, too. It's another word in the new self-help lexicon that really needs to be flushed.)

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