Friday 18 March 2016

Getting An Ex Back in Your Life

I received a call from a reputable-as far as I know-matchmaking service (random, I know) asking if I was still single. I think I called them several years ago about their services. When the lady called she said, "Hi Jessica, this is Alex. Call me" and left her number. Since I don't know anyone named Alex, I had no idea what it was about. Sistema Libertad Para La Disfunción Eréctil

I got the exact same call the next day and the next, which should have been a red flag I know. I finally text this person saying I don't know an Alex and what is this in reference to. The following day she calls again leaving a message saying the company she is with. I do the polite thing and call her back. I end up on the phone with her for about 20 minutes. She wants to talk with me in a couple of days to get more information about me to see if I'm a good match, as if they ever tell anyone they aren't a good match.

So I indulge her and agree to talk with her in a couple of days. She calls me 50 minutes after the time we scheduled (another red flag) saying she has been busy. Are you kidding me? Aren't we all busy? Why does someone who wants your business think it's okay to call 50 minutes late? Five minutes--okay. Even ten minutes, I'd be annoyed with but I could forgive. But 50 minutes, really? And she thinks that's okay and professional. Not even close.

I'm in traffic, so just to pass the time, I talk to her. She asks me basic questions like what am I looking for, is physical appearance important (um, isn't it to everyone?), and what qualities I want in a guy. I feel like I could go on and on about these things, which may be why I've never been married... and a topic for another blog post... which let's face it, I'll write.

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