Friday 18 March 2016

Getting Started With A Fitness Program

She stroked rapidly down to the end, turned around, and began her return paddle with ease. She had her eye on two goals: end of the swim and a successful practice run. We have a very rocky beach and so Lisa had to swivel and sway her way up to the shore with screeches and squeals coupled with feeling dizzy from her exertion. Her husband cheered as her mom started shouting orders: "Hurry! Times a-ticking!! You are wasting precious minutes!!!" Whether she meant it with mirth or flippancy, Lisa was unsure as Mom imitated the hands of a busy clock with seconds flashing by. Neither frown nor smile crossed Mom's lips but plenty of advice protruded. Old School New Body Review

Hopping on one foot while trying to dry and sock the other, husband continued to applaud and Mom persisted with, "Faster! Faster! Tick, tick, tick!" Whether to laugh, scream or cry, Lisa hopped onward as she brushed dirt and twigs from her other foot, slipped into her sock and shoes, shorts and shirt, and helmet. Rushing to her bike, she tangled in the pedals, lurched and tumbled almost to the ground, but then managed to gather her balance and begin her 12-mile ride. Increasing speed increased leg power that increased confidence and courage as she zoomed down the lane and toward the road. In the background, "Tick, tick, tick!" echoed through the trees.

By mile 10, hot and tired, Lisa was thrilled to see her dad approaching in the car with a bottle of water extending from his hand. He came close to her, supposedly to hand off the water, but then altered speed and instead of a water bottle within reach she found herself crashing into weeds and bushes along the side of the road. Fearlessly she kept her bike aright as she bumpily steered back onto the roadway, waving off the water and gliding back onto course.

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