Monday 28 March 2016

Tips to Protect Your Eyes

Eye problems have bugged several people for countless years. This has caused accidents and at the least, nuances and irritations. For many years, several corrective actions have been developed. But not until in 1973 that an ultimate solution was conceptualized: Colorado Eye Surgery. In a meeting between members of the Denver Optical Society of America introduced the excimer laser which will be the foundation of what we all know today as Colorado Lasik Surgery. Since it was in Colorado that the amazing eye correction was conceptualized, Lasik has associated its name with Colorado and Denver. 20/20 Vision Fix Program Review

Colorado Eye Surgery is a surgical procedure. It aims to improve vision back to the ideal 20/20 through correcting four types of refractive eye errors. These errors are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

Myopia is near sightedness. This happens if an object is clearer if it is nearer. This is apparent in people who read papers very close to their faces. The other refractive error is hyperopia. This is also called far sightedness and this occurs if one object appears clearer the farther it is. Astigmatism is a condition in which objects are blurred whether near or far. The last refractive error is presbyopia, this is condition that occurs mostly to aging people in which the eyes lose the ability to shift their focus from one object to another.

Colorado Lasik Surgery can correct all of these. But people rarely know that the very father of all Lasik procedures is PRK. In essence, Colorado Eye Surgery is just about the same with PRK. PRK stands for photorefractive keratectomy. This also uses laser to correct refractive errors of the eye. The idea behind Colorado Lasik Surgery and PRK is to bring back the ideal 20/20 vision. A 20/20 vision means that at 20 feet, a person normally sees the object the same way that a normal individual would see it as it is. If a person has 20/40 vision, the person can see the object at 20 feet what a normal person can see at 40 feet.

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